Battle Hardened Hong Kong 2025

: Mox Saga
Date: January 3~5, 2025
Venue: TWGHs TungPo, King Fuk St, San Po Kong, Hong Kong
Format: Blitz & Classic Constructed
Rules Enforcement Level (REL): Competitive*
* Decklist required, please submit decklist before the tournament start.
Eligibility: Open Entry
Entry Fee:
Super Armory US$20 / HK$150
Battle Hardened US$45 / HK$350
ProQuest+ US$40 / HK$320
Player Cap: Super Armory 32 / BHHK 96 / ProQuest+ 96
Swiss Rounds: Depends on the number of players
Registration: Registration Opening in November

Super Armory


Date: January 3 (Fri)
Format: Blitz Constructed
Entry Fee: US$20 / HK$150
Eligibility: Open Entry (no invitation required)
Rules Enforcement Level (REL): Casual
Venue: Mox Saga, Room 13A, Justen Centre, 44-52 Wai Ching Street , Jordan
Player Cap: 32
Time: 8:00 PM
Structure: 5 Swiss rounds, no play-off.
1st: Cold Foil Armory Promo + Armory Playmat + 1 Booster Display.
2nd-4th: Cold Foil Armory Promo.

Battle Hardened 


Date: January 4 (Sat)
Format: Blitz Constructed
Entry Fee: US$45 / HK$350
Eligibility: Open Entry (no invitation required)
Rules Enforcement Level (REL): Competitive*
Venue: TWGHs TungPo, King Fuk St, San Po Kong, Hong Kong 
Player Cap: 96
Time: 10:30 AM
Structure: Swiss rounds based on attendance, cut to Top 8 players

* Decklists are required and will be collected before Round 1 begins.

1st: $500 USD Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat, PTI, Gold Foil Legendary Black Envelope
2nd: $500 USD Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat, PTI
3rd-4th: $250 USD Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat
5th-8th: $125 USD Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat

Total $2000 USD

Participation Prize: Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Promo 



Date: January 5 (Sun)
Format: Classic Constructed
Entry Fee: US$40 / HK$320
Eligibility: Open Entry (no invitation required)
Rules Enforcement Level (REL): Competitive*
Venue: TWGHs TungPo, King Fuk St, San Po Kong, Hong Kong 
Player Cap: 96
Time: 10:30 AM
Structure: Swiss rounds based on attendance, cut to Top 8 players

* Decklists are required and will be collected before Round 1 begins.


1st: PTI, Gold Foil Common or Majestic Black Envelope, Pro Quest Rainbow Foil Promo Card, Pro Quest Playmat

2nd-8th: Pro Quest Rainbow Foil Promo Card, Pro Quest Playmat

TWGHs TungPo

King Fuk St, San Po Kong, Hong Kong

+852 2961 3600


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